Vision & Mission

As a whole Presbytery, to generously share ourselves and mobilise God’s resources to support God’s Mission so that, in 2055 and beyond the Uniting Church has a strategic, vibrant Christ-centred presence in Western Sydney in all its diversity.

To achieve this, and to fulfil our obligations and responsibilities as set down in the UCA Constitution and Regulations, the Presbytery commits itself to the following 5 Big Moves:

  1. We will continue to become missionally oriented.
  2. We will foster the growth of healthy, vibrant Christian communities.
  3. We will promote collaboration for mission.
  4. We will communicate effectively.
  5. We will embody inclusiveness.

Our Team

Our Governance

Standing Committee

The Standing Committee undertakes the business of Presbytery between ordinary meetings and to act as the governing body for strategic planning, finance, risk, compliance and staffing matters.

Pastoral Relations Committee

The Pastoral Relations Committee (PRC) has oversight of Ministry Agents, Leaders and Congregations within the Presbytery.

Property & Business Committee

The Property & Business Committee (P&B) works with Congregations and other church entities to facilitate their life and mission, particularly as these relate to property, finances and administration.

Our Ministries

Bidwill Uniting

Bidwill Uniting is a collection of local residents, staff, volunteers and supporters, who work together to celebrate and promote the strength of the Bidwill community and surrounds.

Lifeline Macarthur & Western Sydney

Lifeline Macarthur & Western Sydney stretches across 16 local government areas in Sydney’s West and South West, the Southern Highlands and Southern Tablelands providing vital support services to approximately 2.7 million Australians. In 2022-23 our crisis supporters answered 107,000 calls on 13 11 14, our financial counsellors met 508 clients, and we trained 1,578 community members to promote greater understanding, destigmatise mental health issues, and encourage help-seeking.

Suburban Seeds

Suburban Seeds is a Fresh Expression growing life-giving communities that connect people, faith and life.